Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Aragorn Bio

Aragorn (played by Viggo Mortenson) is the heir of Isildur. He is of the race of Men and he doubts himself, however he always steps up to the plate and is never a slacker.

He is first introduced to the hobbits as the dark, mysterious Strider whom they come to trust as he leads them through the wild to Rivendell. After Frodo is stabbed by the Witch King with a Morgul blade on Weathertop, Aragorn heals him as much as he can, then hands him over to Arwen. At the Council of Elrond, he is the second to volunteer his services as Frodo’s protector. His destiny as the future King of Gondor is also revealed by Legolas during this time. He leaves Rivendell with eight other companions. After Gandalf's fall and escaping the Balrog in Moria, he becomes the Fellowship’s guide and leads them to the woods of Lothlorien where Galadriel equips them with boats. At Parth Galen, Frodo and Sam set off for Mordor alone and Boromir dies. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli continue on after the kidnapped Merry and Pippin.

On their journey, they meet the Riders of Rohan, who give them two horses and tell them that they have killed all the Uruk-hai who were carrying the Halflings. Still keeping hope, the three keep on and come to the piles of burning Uruk-hai carcasses. Aragorn discovers traces of the two hobbits and follows their trail into Fangorn Forest. In Fangorn, they meet with the resurrected Gandalf (who is now Gandalf the White).

Gandalf tells the trio that Merry and Pippin are safe so the now four go on to Edoras. After releasing Theoden from Saruman’s hold, Aragorn urges the King to fight Saruman. Theoden refuses however and decides to take refuge in Helm’s Deep where there is much more safety. On the trip to Helm’s Deep, they are ambushed by warg-riders and Aragorn is swept off a cliff. Brego brings him back to consciousness after he dreams of Arwen. Aragorn rides Brego to Helm’s Deep where he suggests that Theoden call for Gondor’s assistance. Theoden again refuses Aragorn’s suggestions and the battle of Helm’s Deep is only won by Rohan because the Riders of Rohan (led by Gandalf) come to their aid at the last minute.

After defeating the massive Uruk-hai army, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf go to Isengard where they find Merry and Pippin “sitting on a field of victory”. Treebeard and the Ents have conquered Saruman and his armies and the “filth of Saruman is beginning to wash away” via the released Isen River that Saruman had dammed. Pippin finds a palantir and Gandalf quickly takes it from him. Then they take the hobbits to Edoras with them. There Legolas and Aragorn talk of Sauron’s increasing forces and Legolas tells Aragorn that Sauron is here. The explanation is Pippin peering into the palantir. As a result, Gandalf leaves with Pippin for Gondor.

It is assumed that Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Merry merely enjoy themselves until Gondor lights the beacon and Theoden decides to respond and ride to help them. Elrond meets Aragorn there with the reforged Narsil and gives it to him, counseling him. The eve before the great battle of Pelennor Fields, Aragorn leaves with Legolas and Gimli for Dwimorberg, the haunted mountain. There Aragorn shows the King of the Dead the reforged sword of the long-dead King of Gondor and requests that the cursed dead aid him; in return, Aragorn offers them their oaths fulfilled. The dead, led by Aragorn, then defeat the pirate orcs and sail up to Pelennor Fields, welcomed by the armies of Sauron, mistaken for reinforcement. The armies of Sauron are very surprised, however when Aragorn leaps from the black ships and leads an army of ghosts, conquering the enemy. Aragorn holds their oaths fulfilled and the cursed dead are finally able to rest in peace.

Aragorn then leads the collaborated races as a distraction to Sauron, hoping to buy Frodo and Sam the precious time they need to get to the Crack of Doom. The ploy works and Sauron is defeated. Aragorn then becomes the King of Gondor and takes Arwen as his wife.

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